Zoning Permits
A zoning permit MUST be obtained before proceeding with the erection, relocation, or alteration of any building or part of any building in the City of Waterville. Zoning permit applications are available on-line and at the municipal building, to the property owner or his agent.
After receiving an approved zoning permit, a building permit must be obtained from Lucas County. The City of Waterville contracts with Lucas County Building Regulation for providing building permits and inspection services.
Zoning Permit Applications are available online via our Resources – Forms Page and from the Municipal Building.

Zoning Department Contact Information
Please use the information below to contact the City of Waterville Zoning Department.
City Zoning Inspector
Phone: 419.878.8100
Email: zoning@waterville.org
Zoning Location
Waterville Municipal Building
25 N Second Street
Waterville, Ohio 43566
Contact Information
Phone: 419.878.8132
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Sign Regulations
NO signs may be placed on/in the public right-of-way by anyone except a government agency. Please contact us for specific sign information.
Permits are NOT required for:
- When a property is For Sale, For Rent, or During an Open House. These signs shall be displayed on the premises involved and are limited to 6 square feet in area.
- During a Garage or Yard Sale. Signs are limited to 72 consecutive hours. Signs are allowed off premises but must be on private property. Only one sign is allowed on the premise of the sale.
- For signs inside of windows. Signs inside of windows are allowed to take up 50% of the window area or less.
ALL other signs generally require a permit.

Zoning Forms and Links
Please use the links below to discover more about the City of Waterville’s Zoning Department and essential zoning information.