The Water Department
Residents are responsible for paying their monthly water bills. Bills are mailed on the last day of each month, and are due on the 15th. If the 15th falls on a weekend or an official holiday, payment is due on the next business day.
The Water Department does actual reads every month. If you would like to have an actual reading instead of an estimate on those months please call the office 419-878-8101 with an actual reading from your meter on the 22nd of the estimated months.
If you have a Water or Sewer emergency after hours please call the non-emergency police line at 419-243-5111, and give the dispatcher your information. They will contact the Public Works team for assistance.

New Residents – Water Service
New residents must come to the Municipal Building to fill out an application for service. A $100.00 deposit is required to set up the account but it will be credited to your account after 2 years of on-time payments. You can download an Application for Service Form, complete and mail it to us, as long as it is at least 7 days before your move in date. Direct Pay is also available and will begin approximately two months after filing paperwork with the City of Waterville.
You are always welcome to drop your payments off at the Municipal Building Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. If you would prefer we also offer 2 payment drop off locations, one is located inside to the lobby of the Municipal Building, and the drive up option is a silver box with 2 silver poles in front of it, located across the street from the Municipal Building Parking Lot, on N. Second St.
If you chose to use the drop boxes please be sure that your address is on the outside of the envelope. If you are paying for 2 accounts with one check, please be sure to indicate that either on the check or on the envelope. We advise not putting Cash in the drop box, but if you do please be sure to write the amount of cash on the envelope. Be very careful to not put the payment in the US Postal Box. (yes people do put it in the Mail Box in error)
Water Department Contact Information
Please use the information below to connect with the City of Waterville.
Utility Billing Clerk
Phone: 419.878.8101
Emergency After-Hours: 419.878.6666
Water Location
Waterville Municipal Building
25 N Second Street
Waterville, Ohio 43566
Contact Information
Phone: 419.878.8101
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Water Department Forms and Links
Please use the links below to learn more about the City of Waterville Water Department.
Natural Gas
The Waterville Gas and Oil Company has supplied the city of Waterville with natural gas since 1888.To learn more about the Waterville Gas and Oil Company visit them online at where you can make an online payment, read frequently asked questions, and discover more about the company.

Natural Gas Links
Please use the links below to learn more about the Waterville Gas Company and to pay your bill.
Electrical power is provided to the City of Waterville by First Energy Services / Toledo Edison. To learn more about First Energy Services / Toledo Edison visit where you can pay your bill, search for available options, and report power outages.

Electric Links
Please use the links below to learn more about First Energy Services / Toledo Edison.
Phone service is provided to the City of Waterville by Century Link, Buckeye, and Time Warner. By visiting their websites you will be able to see the options for phone, internet, and even cable.

Phone Links
Please use the links below to learn more about the available phone options for the City of Waterville.
Internet service is provided to the City of Waterville by Buckeye Broadband,Time Warner, Amplex, & Dish. By visiting their websites you will be able to see the options for internet service.

Internet Links
Please use the links below to learn more about the available internet options for the City of Waterville.