Our Public Works Department
The Public Works Department is composed of one Supervisor, two full-time technicians and one shared full-time technician. Two full-time seasonal workers are added in the summer months to help with mowing and Parks maintenance.

Public Works Department Contact Information
Please use the information below to contact the City of Waterville Public Works Department.
Public Works Location
Public Works Building
1215 Waterville Monclova Road
Waterville, Ohio 43566
Contact Information
Phone: 419-878-8108
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Our Responsibilities
The Public Works department has responsibility for grounds and building maintenance on all City owned property. This includes seven parks with approximately 45 acres of land, five buildings, over a mile of bike/walking path, numerous playground equipment items, three tennis courts, two basketball courts and a roller blade court. We also maintain the Municipal/Police building, the Chamber of Commerce building and the Public Works garage.
The department also has responsibility for all trees on City property; this includes the street right of way as well as parks and other property. Maintenance includes annual trimming, hazardous tree or limb removal and new plantings. We work with the Waterville Tree Commission and have earned Tree City USA recognition since 1996.
Other work includes street light maintenance in the downtown business district, preparing and installing the Christmas decorations and assisting the other departments when the need arises, this includes snow removal, leaf pickup, water main breaks and sewer work.
To aid us in our work we have four riding mowers with 51 to 72 inch cutting decks, a 65 hp tractor with blade, forklift, rake, aerator, broadcast spreader, box scraper, augers and chopper mower. One of the riding mowers has attachments for snow removal and material moving capabilities. Three snow throwers of various sizes help to maintain sidewalks in the winter and our 46-foot bucket truck is used for tree work and maintenance of outdoor lighting and buildings.Three pickup trucks and two trailers are used to move equipment around.
Public Works Links
Please use the links below to discover more about the City of Waterville’s Public Works Department.
Tree Forms and Links
Please use the links and forms below for information related to trees in The City of Waterville.
Lead Service Line Information
Please use the links below to learn more about the City of Waterville’s Lead Service Line.